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Learn how to build 500€+ / mo automated Etsy business in 7 days with print on demand

Listing Automation Systems Built On A Foundation From More Than 4 Years Of Etsy Print On Demand Experience.

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Time Is Money

How is it possible?

To be succesful with Print-On-Demand you need to publish hundreds of listings with the best trend research, keyword research, SEO, etc. That is a painful process if you still need to do unnecessary manual work.

TemplateCast Tools

Auto-completes unnecessary time-consuming tasks. Based on Print-On-Demand Experts so you can become one as well..

Total time spent on 100 listingsless than 5 hours

Outcome: time save, focus on growth

Traditional Print-On-Demand

Unnecessary manual work, hard to do

Total time spent on 100 listings:  200 hours

Outcome: manual work / giving up


Client Store Examples

We have helped over 1000+ people to launch succesfull Etsy businesses even before our automations. 10x your results with our supercharged system.


Built my shop in about 3 days, first sale in a week!

330+ Sales


At first, I tried to start Etsy POD by myself, but had no idea how hard it would be. So I joined TemplateCast which provided me with exclusive production partners, listing automations and outstanding support. Now I’m getting sales every day.

549+ Sales


I was surprised how interesting it is to create your own designs, implement your ideas and create such a store. I did it purely for fun and was shocked that people actually buy and write positive things, amazing experience.

44+ Sales

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